Laboratories – Information Science and Technology

Information Science and Technology

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Mathematical Informatics

String Algorithms and Data Structures Laboratory

String Data Processing LaboratoryMembers : Prof. Shunsuke Inenaga / Assoc.Prof. Yuto Nakashima

keywords : Algorithms, Data structures, Data Compression, Combinatorics on Words, Theoretical Computer Science

Strings are concepts that generalize sequential data such as text, time series, labeled trees/graphs, and 2D arrays. Our research interests are in designing fast and space-efficient algorithms for processing strings, with particular emphasis on their theoretical perspectives. Since the discovery of classical algorithms including KMP, suffix trees, and LZ compression, string algorithmics has been one of the most important sub-fields in theoretical computer science. Also in the real world, string algorithms are commonly utilized as core building blocks of information retrieval systems and data compression programs. Further, string-related problems are commonly seen in competitive programming contests. Our approach for tackling massive sequential data is first to reveal mathematical properties of strings using the theory of "word combinatorics”, and then to develop advanced "algorithms and data structures” techniques.

Mathematical Engineering Laboratory

Mathematical Engineering LaboratorMembers : Prof. Jun'ichi Takeuchi / Assoc.Prof. Yutaka Jitsumatsu

keywords : Machine Learning, Minimum Description Length (MDL) Principle, Stochastic Complexity, Information Geometry, Information Theory

Our laboratory aims to find out mathematical structures of various problems in computer science and digital communication and to derive universal solutions based on the mathematical structures. Our research topics include basic theories such as learning theory, machine learning, information theory, information geometry, communication theory, network theory, nonlinear system theory and their applications. Specific applications are cyber-attack detection on the Internet, super resolution, pattern recognition, CDMA communication, analog/digital conversion, and error correcting codes. Through these researches, we develop human resources who are responsible for the fundamental technologies in advanced information society in future.

Algorithm Theory Laboratory

Algorithm Theory LaboratoryMembers : Prof. Yukiko Yamauchi

keywords : Algorithms, distributed systems, distributed coordination of mobile robots

Algorithm Theory Laboratory is widely interested in the principles of computing, particularly algorithm theory. For a bunch of problems originating from the real world or motivated by theoretical computer science, our research interest includes design of algorithms and mathematical analysis from the view point of correctness, efficiency, robustness, etc. Prof. Yamauchi is mainly involved in a variety of topics on distributed coordination, such as fault-tolerance of distributed systems, self-organization of autonomous mobile robots, and game theory in distributed environment.

Information Security & Multimedia Security Laboratory

Information Security & Multimedia Security LaboratoryMembers : Prof. Kouichi Sakurai / Asst.Prof. Wissam Razouk

keywords : Network Security, Security Camera, Security Robot, Adversarial Machine Learning, Computer Security, Cryptography

Nowadays, not only people but things are getting increasingly interconnected in what is called Internet of Things (IoT). In a world where almost everything is connected, if an attacker gets control of one of these networks it can be disastrous. Attacks can go as far as changing the election results of a country (USA’s 2016 election was strongly influenced by Russian cyberattacks). Moreover, in a recent report from Forbes, cybercrime is projected to reach 2 trillion dollars by 2019. To protect society, we research new technologies and paradigms for security related applications.

Laboratory of Intelligent Systems

Laboratory of Intelligent SystemsMembers : Assoc.Prof. Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas

keywords : Deep Learning, Neuroevolution, Action/Image Recognition, Multi-agent based Intelligence, Bioinspired Artificial Intelligence, Artificial General Intelligence, Evolutionary Computation, Reinforcement Learning, Adversarial Machine Learning

In the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems we create novel AI engines as well as build robust and adaptive intelligent systems. Current AIs can solve 19x19 versions of Go but behave poorly on easier 9x9 versions of the same game. Similarly, image recognition algorithms can reach 96% accuracy (supra-human) on tests and be fooled by only one pixel change. In other words, current AI lacks the robustness and adaptation present in even simple living beings. AI is based on engines that allows it to learn and reason over things, this lab builds novel engines based on different paradigms to reach high levels of robustness and adaptiveness intrinsically. Interestingly, by increasing the robustness and adaptiveness, other problems like Transfer Learning, One-Shot Learning would also be solved at the same time, igniting, possibly, a new age of intelligent systems.

Intelligence Science

Cognitive Science Laboratory

Cognitive Science LaboratoryMembers : Prof. Shuji Mori / Prof. Kazunori Shidoji / Asst.Prof. Haruna Fujihira

The cognitive science laboratory explores functions of human mind for their engineering applications. Prof. Mori investigates auditory temporal resolution and attempts to develop new hearing tests, using a variety of psychophysical techniques. Prof. Shidoji focuses on estimation of driver's state in driving simulator and real-road driving, its application to development of automated driving system and driver support system, and perception and cognition in virtual reality environment. Asst. Prof. Fujihira attempts to develop auditory training systems for hearing-aid users and investigates the mechanism of hidden hearing loss using electrophysiological measures.

Data Mining Laboratory

Data Mining LaboratoryMembers : Prof. Einoshin Suzuki / Asst.Prof. Tetsu Matsukawa

keywords : Data mining, Machine learning, Autonomous mobile robot, Robot, Deep learning, Anomaly detection, Exception discovery, Classification

In data mining, which aims at sophisticated discovery of potentially useful and understandable patterns from massive data, we tackle diverse issues from fundamental ones to applications with various bases including machine learning. Examples include data processing such as data squashing and data structure, pattern discovery such as various types of exceptions and rules, pattern interpretation such as information visualization and human factors, and other issues such as problem formalization. Moreover we conduct various kinds of research including autonomous mobile robots using machine learning and data mining techniques as well as deep learning on image, video, and text data.

Machine Learning Theory Laboratory

Machine Learning Theory LaboratoryMembers : Prof. Eiji Takimoto / Assoc.Prof. Kohei Hatano

keywords : Online decision making, Computational learning theory, Computational compelxity

The problem of decision-making by predicting future data from the past arise in many applications such as stock investment, item recommendation, routing, updating kana-kanji conversion dictionary, and so on. Our group is trying to develop ingenious methods of decision-making for various problems by using machine learning techniques. On the other hand, we also apply the methods developed to optimization problems in machine learning. Furthermore, for various classes for knowledge representation such as Boolean circuits, decision diagrams, neural networks, comparator networks, we investigate their mathematical properties and relationships between them, thereby we analyze computational efficiency of decision making methods.

Multi-Agent Laboratory

Automated Reasoning & Applications of Machine Learning LaboratoryMembers : Prof. Makoto Yokoo / Prof. Yuko Sakurai / Assoc.Prof. Taiki Todo / Asst.Prof. Miyuki Koshimura

keywords : Market Design, Artificial Intelligence, Mechanism Design, Matching, Combinatorial Auctions, Repeated Games, Prisoner’s Dilemmas, Hospitals/Residents Matching, POMDP, Constraint Satisfaction

The main research field in our laboratory is multi-agent systems, where multiple intelligent agents coexists. Especially, our research focuses on systems where humans and software agents interact and coordinate. Specific research topics include two-sided matching and auctions, for which we model agents’ behaviors based on game theory and micro-economics, and develop/analyze social decision rules based on algorithm theory and optimization.

Neuroimaging and Neuroinformatics Laboratory

Neuroimaging and Neuroinformatics LaboratoryMembers : Prof. Keiji Iramina

keywords : Neuroscience, Neuroengineering, Brain Information Science, Event related potential, fMRI, Brain Machine Interface, Cognitive function, Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Alzheimer disease

Iramina’s lab is under the administration of the Faculty of Information Science & Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University, and Graduate School of Systems Life Sciences which is a unique educational organization.

There are two major research fields in our lab. One is brain function imaging which aims at the elucidation of human brain function; the other one is brain function modeling which is applied to various fields by constructing the model of brain activation. In details, we study in the fields of the measurements of brain function by EEG (Electroencephalography), NIRS (Near-Infrared Spectroscope) and TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation), the development of measurement technology and the simulation of brain activation. The elucidation of the mechanism of brain function is one of foundations of life science, and it can be applied to almost all the fields. Have a deep understanding of brain information processing, and apply the research results to fields of life science, medicine, welfare and education is the purpose of our study.

Since we are studying in an interdisciplinary domain, we take into account the collaboration of medicine, biology, pedagogy and psychology is important in our study.

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language ProcessingMembers : Prof. Yoichi Tomiura

keywords : Machine Learning
Organizing Information, Statistical Model, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Text Mining, Data Mining, Data Science

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field on technology to process sentences written in natural language such as Japanese and English using computer. As informationization advances and a large amount of information is flooded, NLP focuses attention as a technology for efficiently accessing necessary / important information and for analyzing a large amount of text. With the advent of Deep Learning, the performance of various NLP technologies including machine translation has been remarkably improved, and expectations for NLP are increasing more and more. We are conducting research on identifying and clustering sentences or documents based on parameter estimation of statistical language model, and research on estimating similarity between sentences or documents by Deep Learning.

We are also conducting research on the analysis of olfactory information using a model similar to the statistical language model used in the above research. Based on the images of the activation patterns of the neurons on the olfactory bulb (the first brain part receiving the odor information) of the rats when smelling various substances and the physical and chemical properties of the substances, we are working to identify the primitives of odors and the parts of the olfactory bulb that ignites when they are detected. In addition, we are working to separate and visualize odor traces (odor source) based on measured data by multi-channel odor sensor.

3D Multimedia Contents Laboratory

3D Multimedia ContentsMembers : Prof. Yoshihiro Okada

keywords : 3D-CG, Multimedia, HCI

Our laboratory is researching and developing fundamental technology for 3D multimedia contents of still images, videos, 3D shapes, motion data and so on. In addition to search and creation technology for them and visualization technology, the research interests of our laboratory also include voice input/output interface for 3D-CG contents, motion input interface based on video images, virtual reality applications using a haptic device like Phantom, network collaboration technology for instantly and easily creating a virtual space of 3D-CG in which multiple users can take various intellectual activities collaboratively with each other. Our laboratory also conducts research on the development environments of 3D games and educational materials using recent ICT.

e-Science Laboratory

e-Science LaboratoryMembers : Assoc.Prof. Daisuke Ikeda

keywords : computational complexity, mathematical logic, foundation of mathematics, numerical analysis, validated numerics, differential equations, computation model, randomness

Due to big data and the development of ICT, computer simulation and data analysis with computers are used in many disciplines. While computers have been supporting tools for experts, there is an emergence of a new discipline, called e-Science, in which computers are main approaches.
In our lab, under the vision that "general public will be participating a process of science", we are conducting researches, such as computer simulation and data mining, and infrastructures for e-Science.

Statistical Learning Laboratory

Statistical Learning LaboratoryMembers : Assoc.Prof. Hiroto Saigo

keywords : bioinformatics, cheminformatics, machine learning, statistics, data mining

Our primary research interests is in the development of statistical learning methods, which gives foundation for data science and deep learning. Due to the recent public interests in artificial intelligence and machine learning, various industries are seeking a way to make good use of it. In solving real-world problems, however, what is required for data scientists is not only to have deep understanding on various machine learning methods, but also to become familiar with the domain of the facing problem. In this regard, we put an emphasis on dealing with real-world data, and always use it for evaluating proposing methods.
One of the characteristics of this group is its focus on biology and chemistry, such as developing methods for handling genes and chemical compounds, however, our research interests is not limited to these areas.

Intelligence and Cultural Evolution Laboratory

Intelligence and Cultural Evolution LaboratoryMembers : Assoc.Prof. Eita Nakamura

keywords : Intelligent informatics for artistic culture, cultural evolution science, music information processing, machine learning, evolutionary theory, interdisciplinary physics

Our laboratory conducts research on the mechanisms of intelligence and evolutionary phenomena that support artistic culture and on information technology that contributes to cultural development. With a goal of constructing a unified model describing intellectual activities of creators and audiences as well as the evolution of knowledge distribution within social groups, our research topics range from fundamental studies on machine learning, data generation models, evolutionary theory, interdisciplinary physics, etc. to information processing techniques of musical, visual, and literary arts. We foster scientists and engineers who can research and develop artificial intelligence technologies from the perspective of social development, based on their expertise in informatics and physics, including advanced machine learning and mathematical theories of evolution.

Lab for Sensory Information Processing

Lab for Sensory Information Processing
Members : Prof. Willy Wong

keywords : sensory information, neural models, AI in medicine, algorithms, brain activity

We utilize various methods to improve the hearing and vision of individuals with impairments and those who are aging. Through experiments and by leveraging algorithms, machine learning, and AI, we are solving complex health problems. Additionally, we focus on how sensory neurons transmit information and aim to elucidate the mechanisms behind this process. Based on these research findings, we are working to gain a deeper understanding of auditory processing and to design innovative devices for people without vision.

Advanced Information and Communication Technology

Cyber-Physical Computing Laboratory

Cyber-Physical Computing LaboratoryMembers : Prof. Koji Inoue / Prof. Masao Hirokawa / Assoc.Prof. Yusuke Matsunaga / Assoc.Prof. Takatsugu Ono / Assoc.Prof. Teruo Tanimoto / Assoc.Prof. Olivia Chen / Asst.Prof. Yuting Zhao / Asst.Prof. Takeru Hidaka

keywords : Hardware security, Data center, Warehouse-scale computing, High-performance computing, Architecture, Cyber-physical system

Our research goal is to explore next-generation computer system architecture that can be achieved by integrating the information and electrical/electronic technologies. We also aim to develop new applications that stand on growing computing performance in order to solve critical issues in the world such as energy issue, cyber-security, and so on. Our scope is from emerging devices such as single-flux-quantum and nanophotonics to computer architecture, system software, and applications.

Wireless Communication Laboratory

Wireless Communication LaboratoryMembers : Prof. Osamu Muta

keywords : Wireless Communications, Cellular phone, Wireless LAN, Wireless sensing, Wireless IoT

To deal with the rapid increase of mobile data traffic in wireless communications, it is required to develop wireless communication techniques that achieve high spectrum efficiency. In addition, in the next generation mobile communications, the integration of wireless sensing technologies with wireless communications is important for the advancement of future wireless cellular networks. In our laboratory, we are doing research on next-generation wireless communication techniques and their applications.

Real World Robotics

Laboratory for Image and Media Understanding

Laboratory for Image and Media UnderstandingMembers : Prof. Atsushi Shimada / Assoc.Prof. Fumiya Okubo / Asst.Prof. Cheng Tang / Asst.Prof. Li Chen

keywords : Deep learning, Augmented reality, Virtual reality, Big data, Video analysis, Artificial intelligence, Visualization, User interface, Learning analytics

In the Laboratory for Image and Media Understanding (LIMU), our goal is to establish a novel framework to (1) retrieve social information from observation data obtained with various sensors and (2) to create innovative content for the society by analyzing those data. While developing the tools necessary to build such a framework, we carefully design the algorithms so that anybody in the society can later interact with the cyber–physical world to improve analysis performances and users experience. In our research on video analysis techniques, we are developing fundamental techniques for understanding videos acquired from cameras, such as methods for detecting objects in the observation area and for detecting abnormal events. On the other hand, we also conduct analysis of educational big data such as students’ learning activities collected from digital textbook systems and learning management systems. The various educational data are analyzed to provide real-time feedback systems for visualizing student’s learning activities and teaching materials recommendation systems personalized for students individually. These results can be used to develop services leading to a more efficient and sophisticated society. Furthermore, in order to apply to new fields such as educational big data, we are also conducting research on the theory on models of computation for various phenomena in the nature and society.

Laboratory for Real-world Informative Robotics

Laboratory for Real-world Informative RoboticsMembers : Prof. Ryo Kurazume / Assoc.Prof. Akihiro Kawamura / Asst.Prof. Shoko Miyauchi / Asst.Prof. Kazuto Nakashima / Asst.Prof. Kohei Matsumoto

keywords : Service robot, Rehabilitation and assistive robot, Soft robotics, Medical imaging

We are conducting research on robot and computer vision systems to realize CPS (Cyber Physical System) using IoRT (Internet of Things and Robot technology). CPS is a fundamental technology for developing and maintaining urban society efficiently and safely. To realize CPS, sensing technology including IoT for modeling real world in cyber space, and robot technology for changing real world physically are critical components. In our laboratory, a variety of sensing and robot technologies are studied to develop CPS such as ambient sensing, first-person vision, laser sensing, humanoid robot, service robot, rescue robot, and mobile robot.

Human Interface Laboratory

Human Interface LaboratoryMembers : Prof. Seiichi Uchida / Assoc.Prof. Ryoma Bise / Assoc.Prof. Brian Kenji Iwana / Asst.Prof. Daiki Suehiro / Asst.Prof. Hideaki Hayashi

keywords : Artificial intelligence, Deep learning, Neural network, Medical image, Sports, Biosignal, Time series, Document and character analysis

Pattern recognition is a research field that focuses on the artificial realization of the human cognitive system. It is still difficult even though computers are highly developed today. For example, we humans can easily recognize a car at a glance as “That is a car.” However, there are numerous models in cars, and appearance will change depending on a point of view even if we look at the same model. The easiest way to handle this issue is to classify the input based on the similarity to patterns stored in a computer in advance, but challenges remain such as the definition of similarity. The key point is how to handle variety in patterns that causes difficulty. In this laboratory, we develop pattern recognition techniques and the related applications such as image processing/recognition, bioimage informatics, machine learning, and character engineering/science. We are challenging these attractive problems with our unique techniques and competing against the world.

Computer Vision & Graphics & VR/AR Laboratory

Computer Vision and Graphics and VR/AR LaboratoryMembers : Prof. Hiroshi Kawasaki / Asst.Prof. Takafumi Iwaguchi / Asst.Prof. Thomas Diego

keywords : Computer Graphics (CG), Computer Vision (CV), Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality (VR/AR/MR), Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Medical Imaging Systems, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

In this laboratory, we focus on computer vision (CV) and computer graphics (CG) research as well as application to virtual and augmented reality systems (VR/AR/MR). In order to contribute to those research areas, efficient acquisition, modeling and photo-realistic visualization techniques are the core of our research purpose. By using the outcomes of those research, development of medical imaging systems and intelligent transportation systems is also our important mission.

Human Data Interaction Laboratory

Human Data Interaction LabMembers : Prof. Shin’ichi KONOMI / Asst.Prof. Yuta TANIGUCHI

keywords : Human-Computer Interaction, Data Mining, Sensing, Learning Analytics, Ubiquitous Computing

Our research topics include design, methods and techniques for making interactions between humans and data more effective, thereby making it easier to address societal issues based on a large amount of data. We work on different sensing methods including crowd sensing; different data analysis and visualization techniques based on data mining; and applied research of data analytics. In particular, we actively pursue applied research on learning analytics to improve learning and teaching based on data. We also conduct research on ubiquitous computing for the support of collaboration and problem solving.

Artifical Intelligence in Education Laboratory

Artificial Intelligence in Education LabMembers : Prof.Chengjiu Yin

keywords : Learning Analytics, Sensor-enhanced educational environments, Educational environments using AR/VR

The Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIE) Lab conducts research and development to realize advanced educational environments by leveraging the power of big data and AI. We research on various educational environments including formal education, agriculture, medicine, healthcare, and information with universities in Japan and overseas.

We are researching the infrastructure for processing big data collected from learning systems, course registration systems, and various sensors, as well as its application to improve learning and education. We welcome students who are interested in educational support using AI and ICT technologies.

Advanced Software Engineering

Advanced Software Laboratory

Advanced Software LaboratoryMembers : Assoc.Prof. Ashir Ahmed

keywords : Embedded System, DSL (Domain Specific Languages), IoT (Internet of Things), ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems), Wireless Communications, Portable Health Clinic

ICT (Information Communication Technologies) are more required in our lives. We are developing technologies in three directions to tackle the problems in our daily lives and in social lives.

  1. Fundamental technologies: We are developing low cost sensing technologies such as acoustic vehicle sensing system for better understanding of the world around us. We are also working on wireless communication technologies to collect sensing data from small IoT devices.
  2. Software development technologies: Embedded systems including small sensors and automobiles have no output devices, which put difficulties in software development, especially on debugging. We are developing DSLs (domain specific languages) that drastically reduce development costs. We are also developing DSLs that give us rich information such as power consumption for better software development.
  3. Reverse Innovation: ICT became the core component to serve social services (healthcare, education, business) in developing countries. We are developing social needs-based solutions that can directly serve the society e.g. remote healthcare system to reduce healthcare cost, new car sharing model that can increase social impact. We examine our concept in developing countries and plan to use the same technology in developed countries as well.

Principles of software engineering and programming languages Laboratory

Principles of software engineering and programming languages LaboratoryMembers : Prof. Naoyasu Ubayashi / Assoc.Prof. Yasutaka Kamei / Asst.Prof. Masanari Kondo

keywords : Software engineering, Highly reliable software, Software architecture, Software testing, Formal method, Formal verification, Programming language mechanism, Artificial intelligence

Our research group is studying software engineering and programming language, which are foundations of software development. Software engineering is a field of study that investigates how to solve problems of software from the aspect of engineering. We are studying from the following three viewpoints: "Advanced programming experience", "Highly reliable software based on formal methods", and "Mining software repository for discovery of collective intelligence". The first two utilize AI, machine learning, discovery of collective intelligence, theories of programming languages, and formal methods. The last discovers high quality information from largely accumulated development history in repositories.

Intelligent Software Engineering Laboratory

Intelligent Software Engineering LaboratoryMembers : Prof. Jianjun Zhao / Asst.Prof. Yaokai Feng / Asst.Prof. Xiaofei Xie

keywords : Intelligent Software Engineering, Software Testing, Deep Learning, Program Analysis and Verification, Programming Language, Artificial Intelligence, Automatic Programming

Software engineering (SE) is the systematic application of scientific and technological knowledge, methods, and experience to the design, implementation, testing, and documentation of software. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a study on the design and realization of an intelligent information processing system by computer. The intelligent software engineering laboratory aims to construct reliable and secure software systems and AI systems by synergizing software engineering with artificial intelligence. Specifically, we are doing research with three directions.

  1. Software engineering for AI: We are developing methods to deeply understand defects (bugs) and adversarial examples in artificial intelligence (deep learning) systems, and approaches (analysis, testing, debugging, and verification) to guarantee the reliability and security of artificial intelligence (deep learning) systems.
  2. Software Automation: We are developing approaches for automatic code generation and bug fixing of software systems using artificial intelligence (deep learning).
  3. Intelligent IDE: We are building intelligent software development environments.

HumanoPhilic Systems Laboratory

HumanoPhilic Systems LaboratoryMembers : Prof. Yutaka Arakawa / Asst.Prof. Yugo Nakamura

keywords : IoT, Activity Recognition, Behavior Change Support System, Wearable Computing, Learning Analytics, Energy Harvesting, Stress Estimation Work Engagement Estimation, Ubiquitous Computing, Pervasive Computing, Mobile Computing, Web Information System, Disaster Information System, Notification Management, Social Data Analysis, Participatory Sensinc, Vehicular Sensing, Cyber Physical System, Sensor Network, Application

HumanoPhilic Systems Laboratory conducts research on cyber-physical systems (CPS: Cyber-Physical Systems) that support human life, by combining various information technologies, such as sensing from the real world, data processing in the cloud, and networking that conncts them. The term "HumanoPhilic" is the combination of "human" and "philic" which means having a high affinity.
We focus on human activity recognition using sensors (IoT) and machine learning (AI). Our research topics include both hardware development and software implementation. A major research issue is to explore what kind of sensors and algorithms can recognize the internal sate (Emotions and stresses) as well as the external state of a person (physical action). Furthermore, in recent years, as novel research beyond human activity recognition, we started focusing on a behavior change support system (BCSS). BCSS means information technologies that affect human future behavior.

Human-centered Intelligence Laboratory

Human-centered IntelligenceMembers : Assoc.Prof. Tsunenori Mine
Human-centered Intelligence

keywords : Data Mining, Text Mining, Information Sharing, Information Recommendation, Personalization, Machine Learning, Multi-Agent Systems

We aim to study human-centered intelligence. To this end, we analyze real data under real situations and develop mechanisms to estimate, extract, and generate information users want and provide it to them when they need, considering their contexts, intentions, preferences, interests, and privacy issues. The projects we are conducting are roughly divided into four: 1) Text Mining and Message Generation, 2) Data Mining for Intelligent Transport Systems (ICT), 3) Educational Data Mining (EDM), and 4) Multi-modal Data Mining and Information Recommendation. For 1), we develop dialogue systems (Chat-bots) which automatically answer user queries, discriminating out-of-domain or out-of-intent queries with query augmentation techniques; we estimate user emotions; we study named entity recognition from patent documents and research papers, etc. For 2), we estimate city bus travel time, arrival time, and delay time, abnormal driving behaviors, and road situations by analyzing multi-modal ICT-related data such as vehicle probe data, obtained from ICT-devices (ETC 2.0 devices), dashboard camera data, weather-related data, traffic and human stream data, etc. For 3), we develop methods to estimate student learning situations and performance, to give automatic feedback analyzing student data such as student self-reflective comments freely-written after each lesson, e-learning logs etc., and to automatically score student short answers. Finally, for 4), we estimate recommended handcrafted works, which work will be bought in certain period of time, and who created the works, and track trends or changes of the works; we also estimate useful product review documents, and develop new collaborative filtering algorithms using Graph Convolutional Networks to extract useful information from user-item interactions. We have been having a joint operation system with the Humanophilic Systems Laboratory since 2020, which conducts
research on cyber-physical systems being close to people, and been focusing on acquisition methods of various data.

Behavior Informatics Laboratory

Behavior Informatics LaboratoryMembers : Assoc. Prof. Masaya Okada

keywords : Behavior Informatics, Situated Intelligence, Multimodal Sensing, Learning Analytics, Embodied Cognitive Science

Human beings have social intelligence emerging in the world. For example, they estimate the tacit meaning of surrounding situations, learn in and from the context of real-world situations, and generate behavior adapted to their situations. However, little is known about the generation mechanism of this type of social intelligence. We are developing ubiquitous and multimodal sensing technologies to understand and enhance the mechanism of this type of social intelligence.

Advanced Distributed Processing Systems

Advanced Network and Cybersecurity Laboratory

Advanced Network and Cybersecurity LaboratoryMembers : Prof. Koji Okamura

keywords : Internet, Malicious software analyzing , White Hacker, Cyber Range, SDN (Software Defined Network), Machine Learning

The main research topics in this laboratory is Advanced Internet and Cybersecurity. Various research themes on networking and security are ongoing with companies and international partners in the world.